
Spring Bird Hike

Wood Lake Nature Center 6710 Lake Shore Drive, Richfield, MN, United States

Enjoy a spring hike through Wood Lake as we look for both migrating and resident birds; discover how to identify species from sight and sound. Binoculars and field guides will be available for loan. $5/person, free for members Online registration at is preferred; walk-in registrations are allowed as space permits.


Spring Bird Hike

Wood Lake Nature Center 6710 Lake Shore Drive, Richfield, MN, United States

Enjoy a spring hike through Wood Lake as we look for both migrating and resident birds; discover how to identify species from sight and sound. Binoculars and field guides will be available for loan. $5/person, free for members Online registration at is preferred; walk-in registrations are allowed as space permits.


Spring Bird Hike

Wood Lake Nature Center 6710 Lake Shore Drive, Richfield, MN, United States

Enjoy a spring hike through Wood Lake as we look for both migrating and resident birds; discover how to identify species from sight and sound. Binoculars and field guides will be available for loan. $5/person, free for members Online registration at is preferred; walk-in registrations are allowed as space permits.