Book Launch and Signing

Richfield Historical Society 6901 Lyndale Avenue South, Richfield, MN

"Our Richfield Stories" is a collection of memories from your neighbors in Richfield. This new book will be available for purchase, or you can bring your copy to be signed. […]

Minneapolis Police Band Concert

Richfield Historical Society 6901 Lyndale Avenue South, Richfield, MN

Stop by the Richfield Historical Society for a free concert!  Bring a chair and listen to the Minneapolis Police Band share their music.

Ice Cream Social

Richfield Historical Society 6901 Lyndale Avenue South, Richfield, MN

Summer isn’t over yet! The Richfield Historical Society's annual Ice cream social is returning! The Richfield Police Department will be there for kids to check out one of their vehicles. There will be games, raffles, cake walks and prizes. Ice cream (generously donated by Dairy Queen at 66th and 1st Ave in Richfield), hot dogs, […]

Old-Time Base Ball with the Quicksteps

Richfield Historical Society 6901 Lyndale Avenue South, Richfield, MN

Watch "base ball" the 1860s way!  The Quicksteps will be playing a game by 1860s rules (bare-handed and all) at the Richfield Historical Society. The event is free; hot dogs, chips, pop, and water for sale.  The Historical Society and the Bartholomew House will be open for tours.