Free Skate with Team HF

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Hendrickson Foundation is a local nonprofit with a mission that supports diversified hockey and promoting inclusivity in the game of hockey. In honor of our veterans and Give to the Max Day, we're bringing the community together for a little skating event and some good camaraderie. Open to ALL! Helmets required for all on-ice participants; […]

Build a Bird Feeder

Wood Lake Nature Center 6710 Lake Shore Drive, Richfield, MN, United States

Attract birds to your yard by providing easy winter food. Build your own repurposed cedar seed feeder and learn what kind of seed to offer and where to place it to attract the most birds.  $3/person; 50% off for members and $8/feeder. Online registration at is preferred; walk-in registrations are allowed as space permits.


Open Skating

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Open skating at Richfield Ice Arena!  Every Sunday 5-6:15 p.m., and most weekdays 12-1:30 p.m. Skating $6 per person; skate rental $4. Buy 10 sessions for only $50!


Open Skating

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Open skating at Richfield Ice Arena!  Every Sunday 5-6:15 p.m., and most weekdays 12-1:30 p.m. Skating $6 per person; skate rental $4. Buy 10 sessions for only $50!


Indoor Walking

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Looking for a safe place to walk indoors this winter where you won't have to worry about cold weather, slipping on ice, etc...? Walk around the upper concourse of the Richfield Ice Arena!  Rink 1 will be available to walkers Mondays through Thursdays starting September 5, 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Walkers must be able […]


Open Skating

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Open skating at Richfield Ice Arena!  Every Sunday 5-6:15 p.m., and most weekdays 12-1:30 p.m. Skating $6 per person; skate rental $4. Buy 10 sessions for only $50!


Indoor Walking

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Looking for a safe place to walk indoors this winter where you won't have to worry about cold weather, slipping on ice, etc...? Walk around the upper concourse of the […]


Open Skating

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Open skating at Richfield Ice Arena!  Every Sunday 5-6:15 p.m., and most weekdays 12-1:30 p.m. Skating $6 per person; skate rental $4. Buy 10 sessions for only $50!


Indoor Walking

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Looking for a safe place to walk indoors this winter where you won't have to worry about cold weather, slipping on ice, etc...? Walk around the upper concourse of the […]


Open Skating

Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN, United States

Open skating at Richfield Ice Arena!  Every Sunday 5-6:15 p.m., and most weekdays 12-1:30 p.m. Skating $6 per person; skate rental $4. Buy 10 sessions for only $50!